- From Store, click ‘register’ and follow the instructions to complete the online registration form
- Your new account needs two levels of verification to be fully registered
- Verify your email using the link we’ll send you.
- Wait for an account manager to fully verify your account
- When registration is complete and your account is fully verified you can begin browsing the Business Store products.
- Required options will be preselected in the printer
- To compare your different printer configurations, select the "Add to Compare" link after you have configured a printer.
- To view the purchase plan prices or change the purhcase plan, click on the "Show all purchasing option" link.
- To select a component, click the tick box. Where an option is mutually inclusive of another, the mutually inclusive option will be included in the selection.
- Options that are not compatible with selected option will display a 'x' in the check box against the component.